Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Open meeting discussion minutes

Read what happened in the discussion on Ethics, held at Keele recently during the ASA jubilee conference. Click here

On the Moos controversy

John Gledhill wrote:
One of my first duties as incoming chair of the ASA was to field a large number of media enquiries, mainly in Britain but some also from the USA, about the disquiet expressed in the pages of Anthropology Today last year about the Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholars Program (PRISP). I have been asked to inaugurate the ASA’s new Ethics blog with some further comments about this. In contrast to the general framing of our new ethics initiative that appears on the ASA website, what follows should be read as personal point of view, not an official statement, from someone who is strongly committed to supporting political action orientated to producing a more equal and just distribution of global economic resources, a longstanding critic of the way US power in my principal research area, Latin America, has worked against that goal, and a persistent advocate of the need to complete the process of decolonizing and provincializing Northern anthropologies.

Click here to read the rest of this piece...


To read, hear or watch an interview about PRISP with David Price and FelixMoos by Amy Goodman, click here